Are you experienced PHP developer?
We are seeking a Component Developer , in this role, you will work in a fast-paced team within a modified Agile environment.
As a Component Developer, you will build components that allow our customers to create sophisticated data systems. These components include extractors, writers, and other applications that connect to systems like ERPs and CRMs. Technology infrastructure is multi-cloud, utilizing GCP, AWS, and Azure, with all components built using Docker.

The team primarily communicates in Czech/Slovak, but you will also need to interact with other teams in English. As part of onboarding, you will receive training materials, descriptions of the technologies they use, and participate in the onboarding program.

PHPXMLJSON DockerHTTPDockerfilesAPIsMioservice-architecture
Prague Full-time/ Contract

Are you experienced in Python development?
Our client is seeking a Component Developer. In this role you will work in a fast-paced team within a modified Agile environment. As a Component Developer, you will build components that allow client´s customers to create sophisticated data systems.
You will encounter the following technologies: utilizing GCP, AWS, and Azure, with all components built using Docker.

PythonDocker/KubernetesXMLjiraconfluenceAPIJSON SlackGitHubHTTP

Java vývojář

Aktuální 7000
Praha IČO

Pro našeho klienta, dodavatele informačních technologií a systémového integrátora hledáme Java vývojáře. Budete pracovat v různých oblastech – v odvětví zdravotnictví, dopravy, obrany, financí výroby, logistiky...Zapojíte se do pětičlenného týmu se specializací na projekty v oblasti správy dokumentů, komerčních systémů a na další IT projekty.

JavaJavaScriptspring frameworkspringbootXMLxsd XQWSQL/MSSQL

Pre nášho klienta do oblasti telca hľadáme skúseného Lead DevOps Engineera, ktorý má skúsenosti v oblasti CI/CD technológii a podelí sa o know-how s členmi svojho tímu.
Táto pozícia je až z 90% remote.



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